EndNote will show you this interface when you add our database.

Wildland Fire Research Institute
Once you have loaded the database into EndNote, you will have complete control over what is displayed when you look at the data. The first time you open the data, you will be looking at the default settings for what columns are shown and their order across the page. You can easily customize this in five minutes, and the settings you choose will remain until you change them.
Here is our recommendation on how to change the settings and what settings you probably would like :
- Go to Edit > Preferences > Display Fields
We recommend
We recommend
- Column 1, select Author
- Column 2, select Year
- Column 3, select Title
- Column 4, select Journal/Secondary Title
- Column 5, select Keywords (near the bottom of the list)
- Column 6, select Accession Number (near the bottom list)
- Column 7, select Notes (near the bottom of the list)
- Columns 8, 9, and 10, select “Do not display” (near the top of the list)
- Select “Apply” (button at the bottom right)

Your columns will now display your data in a way we recommend. Note that Accession Number gives you a number, but only if we have that article. No number = we are still looking for this article. The accession number matches the number we have given our PDFs (1 to 153,000). Please note that the Accession Number 000000 represents a book that cannot be downloaded but is in our library.

Note that “Open Access” appears under the Notes column for over ½ the citations. This indicates that you can download that article from our web site. If there is a number under Accession Number, but nothing under Notes, that indicates we have the article, but it is copyrighted. Don’t worry. As a library, we are permitted to provide you ON REQUEST one copy of that article so long as you agree not to share this article or make it public in any way. So in these cases, please contact us with the title you wish to see.

If you see that we are still looking for an article (perhaps one of your own publications), we’d be very grateful if you would send it to us. We will determine whether it is “open access” or not, and post it accordingly. If you have any issues or questions, you will find EndNote technical support is really excellent at helping you promptly and courteously. This is one of the reasons we selected EndNote as our platform. We also liked the 30-day-free-trial they offer and the discount they give our friends. You can reach technical support under the “Help” menu. We recommend using the call button for quick help. You can also reach us at Wildland Fire Research Institute through the “Chat” button on our web site. Depending on the time of day, you’ll be chatting with someone in Texas or Bangladesh

And you will find that EndNote is fast and flexible. For example, let’s do a search. Change “Author” (that’s the default setting on the top search bar) to “Title” and leave “Contains” in the second box on the top line. Now type “invertebrate” in the third box and press “Search”. On the date of our search (December 17, 2021) we got 511 references (that number appears under “Searching All References” just immediately below the search boxes. Now suppose you are looking for a particular author. Press on “Author” in the first column. EndNote will sort your 511 references by author. Press “year” and you’ll get the citations in order of year. Press year twice and EndNote will switch from 1910 to 2021. And so on. It’s quite quick and powerful. By the way, you can search “invertebrate” in the title, but you’ll get over 10,000 hits if you change “title” to “keywords”. Invertebrates is a keyword we use. For other keywords we use, please consult the following list. The list changes frequently, and you may want to just try your own terms.