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Dr. Sima Sinha, Dr. Supriya Supal Surin, Dr. Shashi Kiran Tirkey, Dr. Nutan Verma, Niharika Yaduvanshi

Bas van Bavel, Daniel R. Curtis, Jessica Dijkman, Matthew Hannaford, Maïka de Keyzer, Eline van Onacker, Tim Soens

Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States
Therese M. Poland.Toral Patel-Weynand Deborah M. Finch, Chelcy Ford Miniat Deborah C. Hayes, Vanessa M. Lopez

The Ecology of Volcán Chiles High-altitude ecosystems on the Ecuador-Colombia border
Paul M. Ramsay

Burning Table Mountain: an environmental history of fire on the Cape Peninsula
Simon Pooley

Air Attack Against Wildfires
Edward G. Keating, Andrew R. Morral, Carter C. Price, Dulani Woods, Daniel M. Norton, Christina Panis,

Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems
Jon E. Keele, William J. Bond,Ross A. Bradstock,Juli G. Pausas,Philip W. Rundel

Michael John Gollner, Xinyan Huang, Jason John Sharples and Melanie C. Rochoux

Wildland Fire Management Handbook for Sub-Sahara Africa
Edited by Johann G Goldammer & Cornelis de Ronde

Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands
Editors : Luis M. P. Ceríaco · Ricardo F. de LimaMartim Melo · Rayna C. Bell

Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change
Editors : Miguel Montoro GironaHubert MorinSylvie GauthierYves Bergeron

Pines and Their Mixed Forest Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin
Editors : Gidi Ne’eman, Yagil Osem

Forest protection in Canada 1912-1914
Senator W. C. Edwards, Chairvian Dr. Frank D. Adams Dr. B. E. Fernovv Mr. John Hendry Hon. William J. Roche Mr. W. B. Snowball

Fire in Peatlands and Peatland Forest
Wahyu Catur Adinugroho I Nyoman N. Suryadiputra Bambang Hero Saharjo Labueni Siboro

Woody Weeds, Biodiversity And Landscape Function In Western New South Wales
D. Ayers, G. Melville, J. Bean, D. Beckers, M. Ellis, T. Mazzer And D. Freudenberger

Columbia Accident Investigation Board
Rick D. Husband Commander William C. Mccool Pilot Michael P.

Economics of Wildfire Management
Michael S. Hand · Krista M. Gebert Jingjing Liang · David E. Calkin Matthew P. Thompson · Mo Zhou

Wildland Fires and Air Pollution
ndrzej Bytnerowicz USDA Forest Service, Riverside, CA Michael J. Arbaugh USDA Forest Service, Riverside,

Ecosystem Restoration For Mitigation Of Natural Disasters
Guðmundur Halldórsson, Anna María Ágústsdóttir, Ása L. Aradóttir, Ólafur Arnalds, Dagmar Hagen

Ecology of the Podocarpaceae in Tropical Forests
Edited by Benjamin L. Turner and Lucas A. Cernusak

Remote Sensing and Modeling Applications to Wildland Fires
John J. Qu, William T. Sommers, Ruixin Yang, Allen R. Riebau

Forest Fire Occurrence and Ecological Impact Prediction
Nikolay V. Baranovskiy Geniy, V. Kuznetsov

Global Vegetation and Land Surface Dynamics in a Changing Climate
Pinki Mondal, Sonali Shukla McDermid

Biodiversity of Vegetation and Flora in Tropical Africa
Lu´ıs Catarino, Maria M. Romeiras

Managing Forests and Water for People under a Changing Environment
Ge Sun, Kevin Bishop, Silvio Ferraz Julia Jones

Fire Regimes: Spatial andTemporal Variability and Their Effects on Forests
Yves Bergeron and Sylvie Gauthier

Arthropod Interactions And Responses To Disturbance In A Changing World
Shannon M. Murphy, Lora A. Richards, Gina M. Wimp,

From Fires To Oceans: Dynamics Of Fire-derived Organic Matter In Terrestrial And Aquatic Ecosystems
Samuel Abiven, Cristina Santín,

Firesmart: Guidebook For Community Protection
Alberta Government, Provincial Forest Fire Centre

Environmental Effects Of Forest Residues Management In The Pacific Northwest, A State-Of-Knowledge Compendium
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Trial By Fire: Forest Fires And Forestry Policy In Indonesia’s Era Of Crisis And Reform
Charles Victor Barber, James Schweithelm

Plant Life Of Southwestern Australia: Adaptations For Survival
Philip K. Groom, Byron B. Lamont

Giant Sequoia Ecology: Fire and Reproduction
Harvey, H. T.; Shellhammer, H. S.; Stecker, R. E.

Altered Ecologies: Fire, Climate And Human Influence On Terrestrial Landscapes
Haberle, S. G.; Stevenson, J.; Prebble, M.

Nature Through Time: Virtual Field Trips Through The Nature Of The Past
Martinetto, E.; Tschopp, E.; Gastaldo, R. A.

Flames In The Rain Forest: Origins, Impacts And Alternatives To Amazonian Fires
Nepstad, D. C.Moreira, A. Alemcar, A. A.

Biological Invasions In South Africa
Van Wilgen, B. W.; Measey, J.; Richardson, D. M.; Wilson, J. R.

Conservation In Highly Fragmented Landscapes
Van Balel, B. Curtis, D. R. Dijkman, J. Hannaford, M.

Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States
David L. Peterson Sarah M. McCaffrey Toral Patel-Weynand

An International Collection Of Wildland-urban Interface Resource Materials
K.Q. Hirsch, M.M. Pinedo, and J.M. Greenlee.